Vice Chair
Kerri O'Malley
The board of directors guides the strategic direction and long-term sustainability of the station to advance our vision of building powerful community radio for San Francisco. The board’s leadership helps ensure that our mission, values, and our superpowers of positivity and inclusion are embodied in everything we do.
The Vice Chair of the Board shall, in the absence of the Chair, preside over any meetings of the board as needed and should familiarize themselves with the responsibilities of all board officers. The Vice Chair shall also be listed as the Vice President of the organization until such time that role is filled.
In the event that the Chair is unable to perform their role, the Vice Chair assumes leadership of the board
Setting priorities and creating agendas for board meetings
Presiding over board meetings
Ensuring the board has approved policies to help ensure sound and compliant governance and management of the organization
In the event that the Secretary is unable to perform their role, the Vice Chair assumed secretarial duties
Creating and distributing meeting agendas, distributing key documentation to all board members, and recording minutes at all board meetings
Ensuring all documentation related to is safety stored and filed in a timely manner
Ensuring all activities and items brought forward for voting are in compliance with the Best Frequencies, Inc. bylaws before proceeding
Being an ambassador of and advocating its mission to internal and external stakeholders
Cultivating and soliciting individual gifts
Contributing towards ongoing recruitment of board members
Participating in an annual performance review of the President/Executive Director
Last updated