February 2018

Convene at 7:35 PM

Attending: Tom, Eddie, Amanda, Forrest, Mai, Noel

Absent: Ben, Will, Ian

Brief discussion of Video/Audio streaming of Pop’s live sessions. There is a back booth at Pop’s, we’d set up a staging area, with solo acts or duo/trios later on. It would be framed and contained by the booth. Eddie would help to set up a video feed, and we could stream the audio. Mai suggested Yours Truly events as a model for framing. Noel suggested Full Moon Sessions, and Red Cup. Tom suggested Tiny Desk Concerts. Amanda suggested the name “Back Booth Sessions”.

Amanda signed a partnership with Off the Grid, to book the stage at Ft Mason for First Fridays once a month. We have a three month agreement, to be reviewed for further periods. All of the audio tech support will be provided, we just need to book the band. Off the Grid pays BFF directly $250 to book the first event. The Event is 5PM to 10 PM, DJ 5-7, 1st Band 7-7:45, 2nd band 8-8:45. 8,000 people attend per week. Their main concern seems to be profanity. We may broadcast it, but the Wifi/Cell reception isn’t any good. Eddie may be able to get us internet access from the Interval.

Board Elections: Forrest nominates Mai for Vice Chair of the Board, Tom seconds. Passes unanimously. Forrest nominates Ian for Secretary, but he was not in attendance.

Noel wanted to know if the Secretary and Treasurer were different positions. Forrest to review the bylaws.

Brief review of last month’s meeting around Internships.

Noel asked if we should explore business insurance. Amanda thinks we have enough reserves to afford it. Her recollection for four years ago was that it was roughly $1,000 a year. Forrest and Noel to review options and purchase if less than $2,000 a year.

Forrest noted that we spent $700 last month on a new turntable mixer.

Mai went to a nonprofit fundraiser meeting. There wasn’t much new information, but it was good to meet with development people. Sending thank you letters and otherwise showing appreciation is very valuable and should be an increased.

Forrest - should we get promotional materials? Amanda to contact Allison or Elizabeth to create note cards, or some other medium.

We have a relationship with Fastly - a Content Distribution network - that will allow us to move the software around the world. They will be comping their service, and may want to do a case study.

The meeting adjourned at 8:22 PM.

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