November 2023 Board Meeting
November 16 2023, San Francisco
Review Agenda & Vote -Approved
Vote to approve previous minutes -Approved
Discussion Topics
Committee Updates
Review Action Items
Closing Items
Open for public comment
Any other business?
Amanda Guest, Chair, Executive Director
Caryn Kesler, Vice Chair, Creative Director
Irving Pham, Treasurer
Clair McDevitt, Chair of Fundraising Committee
Brandon Paski, Secretary, Chair of Marketing Committee
Ben Ward, Technical Director
Erika Delgado, Events Director
6:02 pm — Convene, Vote on Agenda & Previous Minutes
Vote YES to approve the minutes.
Vote YES to adopt the proposed agenda.
6:11 pm— Committee Updates
Now an official committee. Teddy taking lead on internal events and Dan Polle taking on external events. Dan created a spreadsheet for all events and created a checklist. Compiling a list to submit events and shows for various calendars.
We will need the list of events for fundraising as well.
New member Sam, will take over the Knockout, really wants to curate shows, good fit for Cafe Du Nord.
Compile stats to share this weekend.
NoisePop - not going well, proposal is really one sided. Debating on continuing the partnership.
We are at 25% of the goal, a little behind the total goal. Shout out to Eli, Irving and team, for fundraising.
One Tuesday the 28th, (giving tuesday) Sylvester Jazz listening party. Presentation and more of a fundraising event than previous listening parties.
Forrest has purchased the battery back ups. Committee met Wednesday, general tech is running smooth. Presented the idea of the proper committee structure, chair, secretary. Members are thinking on it.
Big discussion around “titles” of volunteers getting involved in tech, make it clearer what tech needs people to do: for example: “In studio tech”, etc. Looking to create 3 or 4 roles.
IT support- how can we get people to self-serve in regards to tech.
Kind of skills people would need for each “job description” would help in recruitment/recruitment events.
High level of metrics, past DETAILS IN SPREADSHEET
Some debate around the accuracy of stats (3rd party app count as one stream?) Ben to look into the Empire dashboard and see what historical data is available.
Board Development
Introduction of committee (Irving, Clair, Amanda)
Cathay laid out what we are doing well. Operating at a high level. We need to do more or do things differently. Moving to an advisory board from a working board. Looking for changes in the next couple years.
Everyone agrees we need to expand the board. Committees as a pipeline to board members.
Discussion for board retreat, discuss how we move forward with expanding the board, and implement Cathy’s plan.
See if one of the candidates is available for the retreat, possibly hold a new meeting.
Agenda not quite set for the retreat, focus on goals from the past retreat and moving forward. No formal process has been in place.
Is Cathy available to discuss, anything extra would be at a cost.
Since the board is expanded, vote to keep Eddie as a “board member at large”. Engagement with the station is high, but meeting cadence is difficult. Voted to keep Eddie on board.
High level finance update.
Revisit FY 24 budget. Take a look at recurring donations in Give Butter
Income $180, expenses $130, Net income $50
Expenses have been all added into new budget, so no surprises
New DJs as donors and losing recurring besties have evened out, with some recurring donors moving to one time donations, sometimes surpassing their past giving.
Vote on budget pushed to retreat.
7:00 pm — Public Comments
7:15 pm - Other Business
Meeting with KEXP on December 4.
7:20 pm — Meeting adjourned.
The next meeting of the board is scheduled for 6pm on MONTH DAY Year. See for more information.
Action Items
Last updated