March 2023
March 16, 2023, San Francisco
Review Agenda & Vote
Vote to approve previous minutes
Discussion Topics
Committee Updates
Review Action Items
Open for public comment
Any other business?
Amanda Guest, Chair, Executive Director
Caryn Kesler, Vice Chair, Creative Director
Irving Pham, Treasurer
Clair McDevitt, Secretary, Chair of Fundraising Committee
Brandon Paski, Chair of Marketing Committee
Ben Ward, Technical Director
Erika Delgado, Events Director
6:06 pm — Convene, Vote on Agenda & Previous Minutes
Vote YES to approve the JANUARY minutes.
Vote YES to adopt the proposed agenda.
6:07 pm— Committee Updates
People booking the Knockout events having success, want to expand to another monthly event; thinking about Kilowatt, meeting with them on Monday to pitch another collaboration rotating event there.
Events is a subcommittee of marketing, reached out to bookers and some others in that channel and asked for interim chair. Dan Poole is now the events chair. He’s going to start convening meetings and sharing with Brandon so the marketing team is in the loop.
Committee up to six people with a bunch of signups yesterday. Starting to assign tasks and titles, giving people more ownership. Have a great group of people and should see more engagement.
Working on ticket giveaways, Throwin Bo’s five year anniversary is coming up, going to do some giveaways, something bigger? Can talk to him.
Live Nation giveaways posting this weekend.
No followup with Noisepop but that’s on my list of to-dos.
Fundraising consultant interviews - five conversations, three that resulted in proposals.
Donor Boom - donor behavior analysis and forecast, strat fundraising plan, focus on individual donors, not grants/sponsorships $6,500
SKS Consulting - v. similar methodology to DB, $3,000-$12,000 depending on services.
Sara F wider scope, donor and corp and found giving $3,900 total.
Ben, given past experience with vague relationship, agree with engaging somebody to level up at this with specific agreement is better way to reengage with this kind of consulting. Will have better sense at end of this if we got out of it what we expected.
Amanda, we’re looking for a strategic plan we can follow.
Irving, we’re in better financial status. Second proposal is too big a range. Third proposal and more structured timeline feels good
VOTE on engaging Sara: Amanda motion, Clair second, unanimously approved.
Grant updates - two in progress, one more to submit this spring; new volunteer interested w/ grant writing experience
Besties program update - want to relaunch the new besties program, could make it so anyone with a besties bash gets in for free.
Working with Lead Teddy on monthly listening series at The Alley with bands and Q&A. Offer for free or deeply discounted for Besties. Maybe launch new Besties campaign in April or May.
Spring fundraising campaign and mini-gala - timing might be influenced by fundraising consultant; had talked about a mini-gala in spring, Besties campaign will work together with it. Offer for free or something for Besties. Need to find a date in May for gala. Let’s set a date a month out.
Beta test roll over from Kindful to Givebutter with board members before Kindful subscription ends? Canceled Kindful, switched to Givebutter. Feasibly can import all Kindful data into Givebutter for more comprehensive view of fundraising. Have 93 people on monthly donations through Kindful. Not sure if can match the Stripe transactions to Givebutter. Plan to move data and see if anything significant breaks before it comes time to cancel kindful.
Ben- first step to send email to product support at givebutter and ask them how to do it. It would be a task on their side if they can import donors.
FIrst sponsorship signed today! The Sponsorship team is going to review contacts and possible other leads.
No full meeting this month, will be moving the time of meetings to 5 pm one Wed a month.
Did mini-meeting yesterday, mostly to meet new volunteers. Talked specifically about workflow to feed in monthly stats, schedule to turnout overview for everyone of listeners, downloads, etc. Gave them tracks database to play around with.
Amanda wants to talk to both of them about metrics useful for DJs beyond listenership. For example, how many different bands they’ve played, how many diff tracks to give DJs a better sense of impact.
Ben: infrastructure that powers Codex is set up to eventually be able to do that. Could have templates for Instagram story that say top 5 tracks, top 5 artists that we could generate decks for for end of year roundups.
Amanda: how could we make that something for listeners as well so we track listening habits and can say you’ve listened to this many local bands etc. Ben: signups are complicated, but other things we can do for that.
Lots of people were interested in music development at volunteer event. Have now launched programming committee, music and local music should be subcommittees.
Currently one music director, talked to him today about rebooting. It would make sense that he gets the choice to be the music subcommittee chair if he wants to/has time. Or can continue things as he’s been doing them and offload some things if he wishes. Once we get subcommittee rolling will probably have music updates.
Board Development
Vote on Board Secretary position for 2023
Amanda motion, Clair second. Unanimous approval of Brandon for secretary until March 2024.
Irving is working his way through taxes (shares balance sheet from 2022). Ended the year in a good place financially. Still getting a decent amount of one-time donations; DJ dues not reporting on one of the spreadsheets. About 60 percent of the way through our tax forms.
Amanda: having this ongoing information has been so helpful.
Strategic Plan
Two volunteers interviewed stakeholders. Some feedback wasn’t properly logged. Amanda will do a few donor interviews and possibly follow up with a couple of the other interviewees.
Caryn: Eight is the magic number in ux testing, will start to see same responses after that.
Next phase to redraft strategic initiatives, will have them for next meeting. Initiatives may shift, but not expecting big changes to initiatives or committees.
Ben leaves 7:14 pm
Caryn will do a couple interviews; Amanda will share SOAR document.
7:17 pm— Review Action Items
Brandon reach out to NoisePop after festival is over re: 2023 partnership
Clair sked fundraising committee meeting, review fundraising dashboard
Clair and Amanda will follow up with Al in January re: music in GGP.
Amanda follow up with Bonnie at BGMF - AManda asked Teddy to f/u with Bonnie, no response from her and no update on website.
Ben set up payment to Azurecast.
Clair add to agenda for next meeting: Secretary position for 2023 - done
Ben and Amanda - analytics for annual report - done
Amanda and Eddie to meet re: besties bash - as it was at the ALley may be discontinued, doing things at venues now so that may be the way forward.
Brandon and Amanda talk about Live 105 material and event/silent auction in the spring
Amanda: continue planning committee night - start scheduling thread in Board slack. DONE
Begin filling in metrics on a monthly basis - take to slack channel to sort out who will do what.
Clair: needs updating- minutes have not been posted since March 2022, Irving needs to be added to board personnel DONE
Amanda: ask Noel about Narcan installer.
7:28 — Public Comments
No public comment
7:28 - Other Business
Potential Third Space - landlord for building in the Mission has empty space, doesn’t want to rent it out. Neighboring businesses wants to take over the space and sublet. We don’t want to relocate but could create a community center, could have live broadcasts with an audience. They will meet with the landlord then talk to BFF.
Update on possible narcan training - DOPE project has recommended other orgs because we don’t fit their demographics. Still researching options.
Updates on Committee Night - very successful
Boardmatch reminder - March 29, 6-8 pm.
7:37 pm — Meeting adjourned.
The next meeting of the board is scheduled for 6pm on May 18, 2023. See for more information.
Action Items
Need to find a date in May for gala.
Caryn will do a couple of stakeholder interviews for the strategic plan; Amanda will share SOAR document.
Ben to send email to product support at Givebutter asking how to move data from Kindful
Amanda and Eddie to meet re: besties bash - shows at the Alley may be discontinued, doing things at venues now so that may be the way forward.
Brandon and Amanda talk about Live 105 material and event/silent auction in the spring
Begin filling in metrics on a monthly basis - take to slack channel to sort out who will do what.
Brandon reach out to NoisePop after festival is over re: 2023 partnership
Ben set up payment to Azurecast.
Followup with Al on music in GGP? Have we missed our chance to get on the schedule?
Last updated