September 2023

September 21 2023, San Francisco


  • Review Agenda & Vote - Yes

  • Vote to approve previous minutes - Yes

Discussion Topics

  1. Committee Updates

  2. LPFM

  3. Review Action Items

    1. All action items cleared! 🎉Time for more!

Closing Items

  • Open for public comment

  • Any other business?



  • Amanda Guest, Chair, Executive Director

  • Irving Pham, Treasurer

  • Clair McDevitt, Chair of Fundraising Committee

  • Brandon Paski, Chair of Marketing Committee

  • Ben Ward, Technical Director


  • Caryn Kesler, Vice Chair, Creative Director

  • Erika Delgado, Events Director

6:05 pm — Convene, Vote on Agenda & Previous Minutes

Vote YES to approve the minutes.

Vote YES to adopt the proposed agenda.

6:07 pm— Committee Updates


We added four more members to the marketing. Kerri created the next steps on our content marketing buckets. Assigned projects to committee members. Portola- Contest done, 44 entires. Successful use of banner ad in app Working with Thorwin Bo’s and Independent for more giveaways.


Hot off the presses: we received money- two grants in the last week: Arts notification- Asked $15K got $12,286. City funded, from hotel taxes CA arts council- $35k grant over two years for operations. (2024/2025). Ask for full amount and see what happens, and we got it.

Thanks for Gala Work! About $7500 under, Total was $13,500. Goal was $15,000.

Elle for a follow up on the gala. Start a dinner fund. Build off the success of this gala. The vibes were immaculate. Possibly a shorter party, same vibes. Kudos to Irving for staying late, getting donations and using the power of asking.

Meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. Underwriting volunteer is a bit unresponsive, maybe do outreach outside the network. Any sales/marketing volunteers?

Peter is doing a great job for the middle process, but we need someone to generate leads, warm leads.

Golden Gate cannabis underwriting was a great model.

Thank you notes with all our donors? Clair to share email copy.

Fundraiser committee taking on end of year fundraising from Amanda.


Committee met last week.

Unexpected downtime on the website, took some actions, added alters, fixed bug in creek.

Movement on updating the events page. Krista interested in heading that project up.

Jim possibly taking over for Malory (sp?) for analytics.

Cannot update software on broadcast server yet.

Teddy and Eli came by to talk about the pop-up broadcast events, exchange of ideas. More communications between them and tech team.

Board Development-

No word from Cathy, last communication was about a month ago. Need to confirm if all interviews are done. We have possible new members, want to wait for input from Cathy before we can start the process. Board retreat- Dec 9/10? Location TBD.


A lot of numbers from Givebutter. Keeping steady at and expenses very low over the past 12 months. DJ dues keeping steady

Possible repair for studio backup battery, $300. Keeps computers online when power drops. Also a version to plug in wifi equipment. Would need three batteries.

7:43 — Public Comments

7:43 - Other Business

Creating documentation for fundraising on our behalf, and reach out to DJs about doing so. If a DJ has a connection for underwriting, they should not be handling any money. What types of org cannot do underwriting.

7:50 — Meeting adjourned.

The next meeting of the board is scheduled for 6pm on November DAY 2023. See for more information.

Action Items

  • Clair Work with Amanda on a list of orgs that cannot be underwriters.

  • Finalize date and location for board retreat. Dec 9 or 10?

Last updated