November 2019
November 21st 2019, San Francisco
Prior to the meeting, please add items for discussion here:
Review Agenda
Campaign Progress
Committee Updates
Scribe: Ben Ward
Amanda Guest, General Manager
Ben Ward, Secretary, Technical Director
Will Craven, President of the Board
Tom Tierney
18:10 - Fundraising
Matching fund: we’re halfway to our goal!
Some high-priority donor engagement is still ongoing.
Generally, brought in significantly more this month than previous years.
Gala planning is ongoing
Scheduled for Giving Tuesday, Dec 3rd.
Will has reached out to various local publications and sources to promote the event.
Event is listed and pre-selling tickets.
Show is being advertised on Instagram.
Started working with a grant writer from Krebs.
We’re applying for 3/4 grant applications.
Some are project-based, but aligned with existing station operations.
28 day social campaign is being prepared — will also launch Dec 3rd.
Also, we’ll be drafting a budget for 2020.
18:31 - Board Development
We’ll kick off a dedicated board recruitment effort in early 2020.
19:00 - Tech committee update
Mostly doing infrastructure updates
Need to prioritise projects for 2020
Self-hosted analytics isn’t going great, will ask community for recommendations
We should review our stream-hosting options as the current contract is up.
19:11 - Events & Mush
No MUSH 2020 news yet.
New contacts for the Ferry Building in SF.
Contacts at Salesforce Park to pursue too.
We’ll pursue all of these and likely tie them to grant applications.
19:16 - Storage
Flagging: We’re out of storage space, so might need to start renting a storage unit, especially if we invest in a Live performance kit.
Identify possible large donors ($1000/$500/$250) to tie into Giving Tuesday.
Gift cards etc. for the event.
19:23 — Meeting adjourned.
Last updated