January 2020
January 16th 2020, San Francisco
Prior to the meeting, please add items for discussion here:
Review Agenda
Annual Report Presentation & Rewards
Fundraiser Postmortem
New Partnerships
Scribe: Ben Ward
Amanda Guest, General Manager
Ben Ward, Secretary, Technical Director
Will Craven, President of the Board
Tom Tierney
Forrest Guest, Treasurer
18:24 - Budget
Books are balanced and the budget is published.
2019 goal was to get to a budget of $100,000. We met the goal! Made the goal on top of our largest one-of donation.
Budget is primarily spent on people and programming.
Discussed how Amanda’s salary should grow. She’s underpaid compared to this kind of position in a more established organization, but we also want to keep our people cost balanced without other expenses. Amanda’s annual review is in March. Considered an additional review later in the year.
A side discussion about whether Tom could start serving a Hanky Panky in order to lure Paul Sulway into helping out with ads.
Equipment cost: Lots of big ticket items last year that will last years. Hard to exactly predict the expenses so planning to remain consistent.
2020 emphasis on fundraising is about significantly growing our grant income.
Expect to maintain a relationship with Josef Krebs and company for consulting and grant writing.
VOTE: In favour of the budget for 2020. Passed.
VOTE: Formalise accounting of 2019 numbers. Passed..
19:08 - Annual Report Presentation & Awards
Nick has been crunching the database to get interesting insights.
Ben will look for some interesting listenership stats worth celebrating.
We should start taking manual records of weekly/monthly stats, since we don’t have an automated method.
Working on the physical awards — want to do something fun, don’t want to be wasteful.
Event is on the 26th.
Fundraiser Postmortem
It went really well! We beat the target: Raised > $20,000
17 DJs made big contributions.
Gala was a huge success.
Some large donations straggling into 2020 (not counted yet, so a good new year bonus!)
New Partnerships
Salesforce/Transbay Park — Want to do a concert series. Budget is TBD.
Tentative plan: First Fridays lunchtime; noon–1:30pm
Investigate larger series ala MUSH later in the year.
We have a contact at the Ferry Building. No news yet.
Working with Sonny Smith on a live music concept.
Other Business
Motion to move Amanda’s future annual reviews (after this March) no later than December 15th each year (to align with budget revisions.) Passed.
Ben, Will, Tom
Plan Amanda’s annual review for March.
Stats for the report
Content on the site
Archives played/shows created
Investigate bar-rewards as possible awards for the 26th.
Work with Thor for his Feb 2nd event.
Finish annual report
State and Federal tax filings.
Shift focus to grant writing and board recruitment.
20:07 — Meeting adjourned.
Last updated